Vision, Mission & Objectives
Vision Statement
Self development through rural development.
Mission Statement
Work in partnership with rural India to provide basic needs and education.
Empowering women and children to raise the standard of living.
We are committed to a philosophy of development rather than charity and strive to make villagers self reliant and feel ownership of projects that are put into action. No project is implemented
if we cannot secure significant participation or contribution from the villagers.
Broadly speaking, the Foundation's goal is to work in equal partnership with the people of rural India to secure the following objectives: Ensuring access to the basic necessities of clean water, sanitary surroundings, health and good schooling.
Improving agricultural output and productivity by providing irrigation assistance and improved technology.
Making available alternatives to urban migration by training and providing viable means of village based income eneration thereby securing a self sustaining economy.
Empowerment of most neglected segment of the Indian population- women and children as the means to raise the family standard of living and secure the future.