About Gharda Foundation

The Gharda Foundation was created in 1996 as a non-profit philanthropic organization dedicated to Rural Development in India. The foundation is a private NGO,administered by a Board of Five Trustees and works extensively in Maharashtra.

The foundation is well established with a staff of approximately 50 full time and part time workers. We also run a fully staffed 20 bed rural hospital that are also engaged in public health outreach into inaccessible areas.

Our over riding philosophy is one of participative development. We strive to make villagers self reliant and feel ownership of projects that are implemented. No project is undertaken if we cannot secure equal participation and contribution from villagers. Despite our size we are also committed to holistic development. We believe that we cannot realize rural development if we focus on any one issue to the exclusion of others. For example it is meaningless to talk about developing hygiene and sanitation if villagers have insufficient drinking water!

We have concentrated our efforts on health education & Microfinance ralated activities with focus on women.


GIT : Engineering College in Konkan Rural Area.



Systematic approach to education which is a vital factor in rural development



BRGH : Hospital in Rural Area of Lavel


Women & Children

Empowerment of women and children as a means to raise the standard of living.



We take a preventive and proactive approach to health rather than a curative one.



Provide ecological and environmental education about crop rotation.


Income Generation

To create long term sustainable income generation for village women



We take a preventive and proactive approach to health rather than a curative one.


Have a question or know more?

Gharda Foundation, 6B Gharda House, 48 Hill Road, Next to Elco Market, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050, Maharashtra, INDIA.Tel: +91 22 66265600 Fax : +91 22 26404224